

So I got off of the mini pill the last day of March. Let my body have its first period. This was in June 13 and lasted four days! It came with a vengeance. I’m normally heavier and have very noticeable cramps to where I need an Advil or something. Fast forward to when glow predicted my ovulation week this month (2-8) or something like that. BD every day during that fertile week except the 4th and the 8th. It said I ovulated the 7th. I then started to feel funny and had light spotting from the 12-17. Did not seem like my period so I was confused. Did some research and some say it could be the non traditional implantation as it happened around 6DPO. It never got heavier. It was pretty steady but barely made

More than a thumbs lengths of blood. Varied in color and I think my cm increased during this time a bit too. The last day it was more brown and then just stopped. I have had cramping not painful, back aches which seem so weird, weird twinges in left and right side even to the groin left and right at times. What really stook out to me are the headaches and fatigue. I don’t nap during the day and some days can barely keep my eyes open. I’m usually go go go ad I’m a nurse and work 12 hour shifts. This tired is from when I wake up to before I have to sleep and then at night for the life of me I cannot sleep. I feel warmer than normal too sometimes and can have a weird intense increase in appetite. And woah am I bloated for like probably over a week now. I keep wanting chicken fries from Burger King lol!! Anyway says my period was suppose to come yesterday and it’s still not here. Up to this point BFNs. What is happening?