Cyst in babies brain


I had my anatomy scan today at 20w4d. Everything looked great and they verified my sneak peek results were correct, we are having a baby girl!

They found a Choroid plexus cyst in her brain. They are going to look at her brain again when I go back in a month and if it hasn't gone away they are sending me to a high risk OB for the duration of my pregnancy. My doctor said at this moment she is not highly concerned, but that she wants to keep an eye on it and go from my next appointment. I know that they can be harmless and relatively normal to have, but I also know that a good portion of trisomy 18 babies have the same cyst. I did not get the testing for trisomy 18 because up until now I had no reason to want to, my other two pregnancies didn't have complications so I opted out of the extra testing.

I'm aware that this cyst doesn't mean trisomy 18 and the chances of trisomy 18 are pretty low looking at general percentages. I guess I'm just wanting to see if anyone else has a story similar and how it turned out, any experiences with choroid plexus cysts?

Thanks ladies