Hurting and confused.


So I found out I was pregnant back in mid June which could have honestly been less than 2 weeks since I tested 12 DPO (june 9th or so was predicted ovulation day). I went for my first appointment 3 days ago so technically they call that 8 weeks, and in my mind of course you KNOW that's not really accurate. They found my embryo, measured at 6 weeks 5 days but could not locate a heartbeat. My dr asked if my cycles were 5 weeks and i said i dont think so but later recall having one before I became pregnant that was actually 33 days. She told me she's almost positive this is a miscarriage since she couldn't find the heartbeat, even seemed to have trouble finding my embryo at first (I also had not been asked to urinate which i thought was strange) LONG STORY SHORT and sorry for the ramble, I have been in absolute despair for 3 days, barely getting out of bed, crying you name it but now the more I take time to THINK could it be possible she was wrong? I go back on Tuesday for a follow up check. I don't want to get my hopes up but has anyone else not been able to find a heartbeat at 6 weeks? I am so confused and hurt I just don't know what to think anymore. She Didnt even give me the so hurt and lost...