Advice needed!! Formula? Breastfeeding issues?

Krystal • Mama to one boy July 2021 after 4 losses.

ADVICE needed please,

(Insight) Tired and emotional mama here. So I’ve been having to express feed as my son Elijah has issues with his tounge and opening up enough to latch and breast feed well. I’m day 3 going 4. I’m at home for first night and we were given donor bank milk to help until my milk supply comes in. At the moment I’m expressing and it’s starting to get sore from doing it so often. He’s feeding every 3 hours so I’m expressing and only able to get 10mls so topping up 30-40mls from donor supply I’m nearly running out and my midwife is coming over but in the evening I’m wanting to know if anyone has any advice on formula which brands are good. I’ve always been told breast is best and have pressure from family who all had amazing easy feeding experiences but it’s not the case for me and I would rather mix feed than have him hungry.


What brand formulas do you ladies use?

Any experience with tounge issues? He keeps it at roof of mouth? I’ve got lactation on Monday but a whole weekend until then 😭😩

Picture of my boy at 3 days old today. 🥺😍