Just another in-law story 🙄

Ok so I'm getting really fucking fed up with my in laws. They're always wanting shit from us. We get food stamps, and with the increase from corona its been helping us stock up on baby food, drinks and everything else we need. Our in laws are CONSTANTLY pestering me to see when we get them and then take at least $200 of it off of us. Even though they have their own fucking food stamps! I keep yelling at my husband but he "feels bad" and takes them almost every fucking week so they can use OUR stamps. We have a family of 5. We need the stamps. I've been trying to stock up on more thing because we don't have a lot stocked up at all because of his fucking parents. They called me at 8am this morning because I didn't answer their text asking if we got them so they can go shopping and when I told them we didn't I got told "we'll check in tomorrow then". I'm so fucking irritated. They only come to us when they want shit. They never stop just to check up on us or anything! And on top of that they asked to take my 3 year old son for 2 weeks! I looked at them and said "fuck no you're not!" And my husband chimes in and goes "you can take him for 2 nights though". Uhh, excuse you? I don't want them taking him for 2 nights either. They can have him for the day or for a 1 night sleepover, thats it. And no, I'm not keeping my son from them. Ive asked them multiple times if they would want to take him for the day and they always tell me no. Ive even asked them to take him for the night a few times and they've said no. They only want him when they come to pester us for stuff and its fucking irritating. My husband is useless when it comes to this. He's been letting them walk over him so fucking much recently its not even funny.