Is it bad that I prayed for my ex who was abusive?

Around July 2018 my relationship quickly turned to a weird shit show. My now ex started talking really weird and we assumed it was schizophrenia and he did receive treatment for that. The relationship was very toxic from the start. He started to distance me from friends and family, was verbally abusive, controlling, etc. Anyways back in 2018 he tried turning the tables on me saying I was the toxic one and he was the victim. So I broke up with him and got my own place cause his mom believed him. Since then he was arrested 3 times I believe. Anyways I get a text from my bestie saying how she was creeping this dudes page and his dad is friends with my exes dad and my exes dad wrote a recent post about Jim. And she told me how my ex apparently was recently diagnosed with mesial temporal sclerosis and has been having seizure issues for a couple of years and he might’ve hit his head and doesn’t remember and scans show blunt force trauma to his head. I think couple of years is 2-3 years so maybe that’s what’s caused the sudden change in 2018? He was having psychosis symptoms, never slept, only ever drank energy drinks, barely ate, smoked ton of cigs, and never took care of himself. I’m not sure if he knew and never told me while together or how shortly after our break this all happened. His dad was asking for prayers so I did say a little prayer for my ex. I don’t feel hate or love, but I’ve recognized that the person I was then that attracted this person, isn’t the person I am today. Part of me feels like nah he hurt you so bad and you shouldn’t pray, but part of me is like it’s ok to pray and learn from your mistakes

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