Relationship Disaster

I (22F) have been dating a guy (25) for roughly 14 months now. About 3 months into seeing each other he told me he had a vasectomy. At this time I was on birth control and he had no reason at all to say this. A month goes by and I ask him if he would be comfortable with me going off my birth control as he had the vasectomy and I've always had extreme depression and side effects with bc. He did not stop me from doing this and had known for months I haven't been on birth control. Last night we're taking a shower and I make a joke about being pregnant because my emotions and eating habits have been all over the place. He then decides to tell me that he lied about the vasectomy.

I freaked out screaming, crying , ect and at this point just an completely lost on what to do. Thank fully I am not pregnant but he completely put both our futures at complete risk and has been lying to me for about a year.

After talking I told him I needed time and space. Do I try to let him gain my trust back? Or do I cut my losses? I know noone can give me an exact answer because you're not in the relationship. But this is the only thing I know if that's he's ever lied about but it's also a HUGE thing to lie about so at this point I don't know what else is the truth or lie...