What could it be??

At first I was gassy and felt like I had to go #2. But I was out, than I had dinner and at night my stomach was rumbling and I started to get the chills. I ran to the bathroom & I had diarrhea. Today I ate food once and had a green tea to see if it helps. I went #2 once and than after the green tea, I keep on going. I’m in bed with the chills but I felt fine all day. I have no stuffy nose/loss of taste/cough/fever or any covid related symptoms. What could it be?

I made breakfast for my sister and I yesterday but I added something extra to my plate and added ketchup, the ketchup I ate smelled a bit weird but I continue to eat it which my sister didn’t eat and she feels completely fine. Stomach flu? Stomach poisoning? Covid??