Confused AF


My periods have always been regular; comes on between the 2 and 5 of each month and lasts 3 days. I could literally count on my period every month to come on time. Well in May I had my period just as expected. . . then again 2 weeks later. . . FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK. I was like ok, maybe its stress related. In June my period came as expected then it happened again, only spotting for 4 days instead of a full period. Oh but July though? Oh july do its own thang. I spotted the 10-12. When I say spotted i literally mean spots. It looked like somebody took a pinkish colored pen and put a hand full of dots on my tissue. Mind you I take ovulation tests every day. From the tests, I peaked the 3rd of July. Any normal p.o.a.s. addict's mind went right where mine did; thats implantation bleeding. NOPE. Ive taken 4 tests and all were negative. Still no period though 😒🤦‍♀️