Ugh trying to decide whether it’s a waste of time 🤣

How did you decide whether or not to go in with fluid?

I have quite a lot of very watery discharge and am not sure if it’s simply discharge or amniotic fluid leaking. With my second, I leaked amniotic fluid for an entire day before contractions started and I went in and they told me my water was broken. So I feel like I should go in but also feel like it’s a waste of time 🤪🤪🤪

It’s definitely not urine but heavy enough that I soaked through my panties and pants when I stood up earlier. Clear to cloudy in color. Watery. No contractions today but I had loads yesterday.

31+3 and two previous preemies but my partner would have to leave work to take care of our son and I have about 8 thousand things to do today including taking my daughter to and from work 🤦‍♀️