9 years, pregnant with out third and not even engaged.


We love each other, its been a long time. I'm pregnant with our third and due in April. We have a 1 year old and a 3 year old also.

We're not engaged and its so upsetting. Our reasoning before was because it was cheaper. Tax season and medical insurance, things like that. But, its starting to really bother me. Anyway I told him this, in a long text while hes sleeping and we'll see how he responds tomorrow.

But, my question is what would you do?

Go have a destination wedding before I'm hugely pregnant and have our 2 kids be apart of it and a small guest list with close family?

Go elope without the kids and no guests?

Courthouse wedding with very little guests?

Or do the whole shabang like a regular couple and our kids are also there?

I'm torn and stupidly think about how others would judge. I will literally have to have someone help watch 3 kids at my own wedding. Won't be able to relax and enjoy myself... same goes if we get married while I'm still pregnant. Same scenario but with 2 kids.

This is just all so not ideal. I love my family but this one special day(that BETTER be coming soon) is stressing me out.