A bit frustrated


OK so my partner is in the military and we had plans to get married on June 22. It didn’t happen because the military scheduled them for watch that day.

We were supposed to move to Florida in December where they had gotten their orders to change command. Well the orders got pulled. I asked them if we were still planning to get married and they said yes but they wanted to wait until after 14 July to find out where we were going to be moving to before we got married and see if I could have the wedding I want or is it something quick.

Checked back on the 14th to see if they got their orders and they are still in selection. I told them I don’t feel like you’re ready and it’s OK if they aren’t I will totally respect that but OK I’m struggling with understanding how you love someone so much that you want to marry them and have active plans to be where we are right now with no plans. How much frustrating me and confusing me is that they say how much they wish we could be together every night and know the solution to that literally is for us to get married.

how are you really gonna say I wish I could be there with you every night. I miss you and I wish we were living together but refuse to take the next step in our relationship to make it possible. you love me so much but your content with only seeing me on the weekends. I honestly really wish they would make up their mind because the military comfortable and I have a really really big fears.

Literally anytime I can get orders to get by or they can get orders to go to a different base and it could be something that happens immediately and I won’t even have time to say goodbye or go with because of my job.