Kindergarten Crying

As a parent how do you prepare yourself and your children to attend Elementary school or kindergarten

remember kindergarten, I just wanted to stay home with my mom. When I arrived at the school I didn't know the rules and got into trouble even for playing. I remember sitting at a table alone and not being able to open the carton of milk or sealed food.

I remember not knowing how to fit in, I had a lunch box kids made fun of said to just bring paper bag or eat school lunch, I remember being called names not knowing how to open my milk or tie my shoes.

I remember wanting to play together and the other kids wanted to play by themselves.

I didn't fit in I had the sweetest teacher she was with me until fifth grade. But elementary was hard with all the kids.

I'm having like this feeling like I hate school.

because everyday my stomach hurt I wanted to throw up I didn't want to go back to school. At night I would dream of things I could have done that day to get it right.

I had a teacher yell at me for not knowing how to say purple.