Relationship Advice


I broke up with my ex boyfriend of 2 years last April after having some mental health issues. I never told him that that’s the reason I was breaking up with him but I just assumed he’d understand and be mature about the situation. A day after the breakup I noticed he was tweeting some kinda mean things about me and about how I broke his heart, it hurt to see the way he thought of me but I didn’t say anything because I understood that he was hurting and if this was a way for him to recover from our split then who am I to intervene? I was a little shocked though because throughout our relationship although we got into our arguments we never took it to social media because we liked to have our privacy. I thought that was the end of us talking to each other until last year in November I got a face time call from him at work. Him and one is friends had called me but the moment I showed my face they hung up, I tried calling again but he kept ignoring it. Although I was annoyed with this I let it go because it was a one time thing. This year, a year after of our spirit I wanted to reach out to him to see how he was doing, so I went to twitter to see how life was going for him, but then I saw a from of him saying and I quote “ If A woman is breaking up with you, and she says “you’ll be a great boyfriend or husband someday”, let her so cause she’s in the streets”, mind you he said this in May of this year. I was beyond shocked to see this especially because this is exactly what I said to him when we broke up. I want to text him about his behavior but I’m not sure if that a good idea. I was the person who decided to leave our relationship so do I deserve all of this? Or do I reserve the right to be upset and confront him? I need some advice on what to do.