Waiting for OB to call back


Hey ladies so I already called my doctors office they said a nurse will call me back ...I'm 37+1 I was checked yesterday because I've been haveing back pain on and off he said baby was low but I'm only 1cm well this morning my stomachs been super sore then out of no where my back pain is getting worse and I am running to the bathroom every couple of minutes I had such horrible pain in my hip that I couldn't walk I was just doubled over crying and screaming for my husband I eventually made it to our bed and it got better now it just burns and I'm still haveing tightness and pain in my back and running to the bathroom every few minutes ...could she be laying on a nerve idk what to do to help it's awful everytime I stand and start to walk I feel like I'm haveing contractions but I'm running to the bathroom so I can't lay down for to long