Discharge VS leaking fluid

lace 💓💕

I’m 30 weeks pregnant and am on medicine to keep my contractions down since about 28 weeks. Last night I got undressed to get in the bathtub and I noticed when I went from sitting to standing, a little gush of stuff came out of me. Enough to where I was questioning if it was too much to be discharge, my thighs were wet from it. It didn’t smell like pee, it smelled kind of sweet. But I can’t tell if it was any different than discharge. I put a pad on and forgot about it after the bath. Today im crampy and when I go from laying to sitting a little gush will come out. I’ve been wearing pads this whole pregnancy because I have a lot of discharge, so that’s why im confused to which it is. I see some discharge color on the pad but less than normal I’d say. I really don’t want to go to the hospital over discharge and waste everyone’s time, especially I don’t want them to disturb my cervix any and possibly bring my contractions back on. And I don’t really want to be around all the germs in a hospital for something that could be nothing. and my doctor doesn’t have an after hours number but I have an appointment Monday.

What do y’all think & what should I do?