Earlier than expected.


So on Monday the 26th of July, I had my first baby appointment! According to my app, I was over 6 weeks when I went.. they didn’t do ultrasound or any tests, just talked the normal talk.

That night I had light bleeding and cramping so on-call told me to head to the ER (🙄) and after 5.5 hours of sitting and waiting, I was told my levels were good to go home and follow up with ultrasound this week. They had also put me out of work until this coming Monday.

I went for US and there wasn’t a baby BUT the sac was just measuring earlier (5 weeks and something days). They said the bleeding is implantation.

Is this normal? I’m still worried but my levels almost doubled in a few days. I’ve had 2 miscarriages before so my mind worries.