Getting your cycle back after iud removal


Hey! I got my IUD removed 6/21 so we could start trying for baby #3. I had a light period about 3 days later. We were continuing to prevent for the next few weeks/one cycle in order to come off some meds. I was inconsistently using OPKs and never caught ovulation but wasn’t concerned. My next period just started yesterday on CD37 (and yes, I took 62 pregnancy tests before it came). With my first two we got pregnant right away but my cycle also came back pretty standard 28-30days immediately after stopping birth control.

I am just wondering how it worked out for other people. Was your cycle fairly regular right away after stopping hormonal birth control or did it take awhile? Thoughts on when I should start OPKs? Glow doesn’t have my fertile window until CD20 or something like that which seems late… would you just start as if it were going to be a standard 28 day cycle?