So had a stretch and sweep yesterday. He said I am a 1 and he stretched me to 3cm. I got mild cramps and tons of Braxton Hicks with nothing to come of it. I didn’t bleed, and I only had maybe a partial bit of mucus plug come out this morning. I even had sex twice, bounced on the ball, have been doing nipple stimulation and nothing. This baby will not come out. My doctor says I can’t electively induce until I am 40 weeks and 2 days at the earliest. Whose to say If they have any openings then. There seems to be no end in sight. They did not even offer to schedule an induction for me at that point and I also still don’t have a 40 week appointment because they are slacking and say they have no appointments available. I have an appointment on Monday just in case my cholestasis test results came back elevated. I just got them an hour ago and they are within range so It’s fine. I am feeling so emotional and so fucking defeated. I keep anticipating labor and I don’t think my body can do it. I feel so frustrated it’s been 100 degrees like every single day and isn’t cooking off anytime soon. I am just DONE….