My best friend is experiencing yet another MC- Im currently pregnant

I just don’t know how to be there for her. This is somewhere in the ballpark of her 7th or 8th loss. I’m currently pregnant and have never experienced a traumatic loss. I already am actively not talking about my pregnancy with her unless she asks first, but I’m starting to show and it’s just hurting my heart to be around her knowing she’s in pain. Sometimes she will touch my stomach and tear up, and I’m at a loss for what to do. She’s the kindest, best soul ever and no way am I going to ignore her or abandon her in this time, pregnant or not. She has an adopted son now, but she’s never given up hope that she might one day conceive her own (she’s currently 40yrs). This question is for anyone who has experienced a loss and is willing to talk about it- what did your friends do or not do that at least didn’t make things worse than they already are. 😞