All day nausea?

🌸💞Trinh💞🌸 • 39y/o✨Baby #1 November 2018✨Baby #2 March 2022✨

I am not in anyway complaining just wanting advice really. When I was pregnant with my first baby I got hit with 24/7 nausea really early on and that lasted for like the first 4 months and I always thought if I ever got pregnant again, I probably won’t get it again as they say all pregnancies are different. Nope, not mine. It’s back but this time seems worse than the first time round. I’m literally feeling soooo sick from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed and eating doesn’t help as I’m put off like most foods now. Not only have I got nausea but my face is covered in acne I counted 6 pimples today and on top of that my boobs are in agony to the point where I can’t wear a bra anymore. Oh and don’t get me started on the bloat, my god, I’m 9 weeks pregnant but look like I’m 9 months after I eat. So, I’m nauseous, feel like an elephant, covered in spots and my boobs are drooping down to my to knees. 👍🏽

When my sister and my friend was pregnant they didn’t have not one single symptom, they just sailed through pregnancy and I just think why can I not have that? I mean don’t get me wrong I know symptoms are good it’s shows and reminds me that I’m pregnant but can I not get other symptoms that are easier to deal with? Anyway sorry for the long post I just wanted to know does anyone else have really bad nausea that’s really hard to deal with?

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