TTC After Child Loss

Hi there glow community,

We are currently ttc after our first child, Adam passed away this March when he was 4 days old due to a rare condition he was born with (vein of Galen malformation). Everything was perfect when he was born; his condition presented the day after we were discharged from the hospital, and he ultimately passed away in my arms 2 days later after unsuccessful brain surgery. I miss my boy so much but am at peace with everything & so grateful for the precious moments I did have with him. His condition was not hereditary & doctors told us it shouldn’t happen to any future children god-willing.

I have irregular cycles & may have pcos so I’m starting to get nervous about ttc again, along with the anxieties that pop up after what we went through already. I wanted to know if anyone has been through anything similar & has tips for getting through the waiting days of ttc.

Thanks in advance!