A little shocked

Katie 🇬🇧

So today while sorting through some paperwork I found my sons hospital discharge letter from when he was born. I never really read it properly at the time as we had been on neonatal for a week and I was just pleased to be going home. He was born at 34+6 weeks via emergency c section under general anaesthetic. Anaesthetist failed to get the spinal block in and baby boys heart rate plummeted after the 4th attempt so they had to do a general.

Reading his letter today it said ‘baby was born floppy, blue, not crying and with no respiratory effort. He required both inflation breaths and ventilation breaths. Oxygen stats stabilised at 95% at 8 minutes of life’

How scary does that sound? I remember them telling me he needed a little help to start with because the general anaesthetic had reached him and caused him to be sleepy but I didn’t realise the extent of the help he needed! Such a strong little baby!

Pics are 1 day old to now at almost 6 months.