How do you make it work with two kids?


Hi mamas! I work full time from home and I have a 2 year old who goes to daycare full-time. Lately I've had really bad baby fever and I want another baby so bad 🥺 We were spending $700 a month on daycare but switched to a cheaper daycare only paying $540 a month. My husband and I also just had to get new cars because ours were falling apart, so we took on an extra $300 car payment for him (my car payment actually went down $47 a month). Between all of our monthly expenses we are cutting it pretty close each month and a baby would be an extra $560 a month in daycare. :( Just not sure how we'd make it work but I also don't want to wait forever to have another.

I also worry about how to juggle my time between two kids. I already feel like I barely get enough time with my 2 year old, so I feel like I'd be stressed out with a new baby and all the appointments and attention a newborn takes. Ugh. I wish I could afford to stay home or work part-time but unfortunately I can't. And we have no family that can watch our kids for cheap or free. How do you all make it work?!