10 weeks today❤️


The symptoms are definitely subsiding now (nausea, diarrhea, constipation, extreme fatigue, dizzy spells, night sweats, night terrors, food aversions) so thank God for that 🤣🤣 starting to feel like myself again but definitely still tired just not as bad. I've been having some lower back pain over the last week or two. Pretty bad blood pressure drop/dizzy spell last week but I think I just didn't drink enough water that day. I'm still always thirsty no matter what! Went for a pretty good walk/hike the other day and I definitely couldn't have done that around 4-5 weeks 🥴 pretty much done with the registry, but still feeling ill prepared lol haven't done much of my birth course yet but I have been meditating with GentleBirth and listening to the mommylabornurse podcast every morning and drive home ❤️ how's everyone else doing around this time?? Next scan in a week 😍