So.. my partner is getting ready to go fuck another girl...

Sorry I just have to vent

I thought we worked through our issues

He made me believe everything was fine. Well I guess not. He relapsed and went crazy on me. Im 6 months pregnant. I got us our own apartment. He made believe we were happy and that he would never touch drugs again. Well he's in the shower right now, he's gonna go meet some girl "nothing crazy just a blow job." God I feel sick

I cheated over a year ago. I was an alcoholic. I regretted it. He said all was forgiven but I guess not. This is more punishment

He keeps going back and forth

"I'm staying I love you"

"I hate you I'm leaving"

I wish he would just choose. And being sober through all of this is so hard. Im trying to be strong for my baby but holy shit having no support system is getting to me. He has isolated me so much. I have no one. If anyone has advice please... im so alone.