Is sperm retrieval unnecessary risk if still undergoing treatment? (for IVF)

We planned to start <a href="">IVF</a> to have our second child months ago and one after another things have come up and it’s almost the end of the year. Our insurance have 80%-100% coverage for <a href="">IVF</a> plus medication if we do it by this year so I’m getting very impatient. My husband had low sperm motility and count before so we had to do <a href="">IVF</a> for our first. But this time his numbers are almost nonexistent and the treatment his urologist discussed is taking longer than we had hoped for, with no improvement. Sperm retrieval has always been an option but my husband is too scared to go that route. It pisses me off that I’m going through all these ridiculous procedures to have our children because of his fertility issues and he won’t do such a minor procedure to get it over with! it could be unnecessary risk to poke him but the treatment plan will take many more months to complete. Also, I’m starting my graduate classes in a week and left my job to take care of our one year old full time, so starting <a href="">IVF</a> by next month will give me enough time to be done with the long procedure before my final exam for the semester! It’s frustrating to feel stuck, we have completed all the lab work and formalities to start as early as one week’s notice. Please tell me if I’m being neurotic!!

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