Cervical Status - TMI


My husband and I are on month 2 of TTC. We started off with the "not, not" trying approach. Of course that didn't last long...because I can't help but research!

I did cave and get OPK. It's so early and I've only had 1 period since stopping BC. I haven't yet had a positive OPK.

So I wanted to see if there were other ways to get to know my body during my cycle!

A little TMI but I read that you can actually feel it! If you insert a finger into your vagina and locate your cervix, you can do this throughout the month to see it's height, opening (closed or open), and it's firmness! It may be weird to some, but it has been interesting to feel the difference! I had no idea my body was so fluid and changing.

Just something to consider if you are a "hands on" learner 😊 and it's free!