Well. My cervix closed back up?


I’m 39+1

I’ve been 1cm and 50% effaced since 37 weeks..

Until today.

Doctor was going to do a membrane sweep, expecting me to be even more dilated today

Well, apparently I was even less dilated than before. She said before I was a true 1cm and today she couldn’t even get a fingertip in. She considered me “closed”. And my cervix is even Higher than before and it was HIGH. She could hardly reach it.

My daughter does NOT want to be born and I am so. So. So. F*cking miserable.

She said most likely I’ll have to be induced at 41 weeks. She doesn’t see baby coming on her own before my due date and thinks I’ll go at least a week past and even longer if they don’t induce me.

I really did not want to be induced. But I also refuse to go to 42 weeks pregnant- for safety of baby.

So. Cheers to another at least 2 weeks of pregnancy......

And Cheers to a cervix that started to open and got shy? And closed back up?!

didn’t even know that could happen.