Conflicting information

I went to labor and delivery for high blood pressure today bc doctor wanted to make sure that I am not suddenly developing preeclampsia at 36+4. I told the nurse that I am having a lot of discomfort and constant pelvic/rectal pressure, that my baby’s head has been feeling like a cork screw just wriggling down since last night and I felt like the pain was causing my high blood pressure. They ultimately agreed- monitor was picking up contractions and all the tests came back clear. She said he’s getting into position. She told me that he needs to stay put until Friday, that if he comes earlier then they are going to try and stop my labor. My doctor told me 2 weeks ago that he would not try and stop labor at this point. Who should I listen to? I feel like he’s going to come when he’s ready, especially bc I know for a fact I’m exactly a week further along than my EDD but dr wouldn’t move my date bc it wasn’t more than 14 days difference. 🙄