📢 38+4 Stretch & Sweep LIVE ⏲


☀️ Good morning, August Mamas!

🚨 About one hour from now I’ll have a membrane sweep. As I mentioned last night, I plan to share my experience “live” in this thread so that you all can read about the experience, see the timing of any effects, and decide for yourselves if a sweep is right for you. I’ve been looking up a lot of stats and studies, and reading other moms’ experience with the procedure, which I’ve found really helpful, so I hope this will be of use to someone out there.

☝️First, a little background, context, and history so that you can determine how much my experience may or may not relate to your own...

🤰 Currently 38w4d pregnant. Today is Aug 5. I’m due Aug 15.

💙💗💙👶 I have 3 kids. This is baby # 4 for me. With all of my other pregnancies, I’ve been medically induced. My first son (2012) was a full 2 weeks late and I had GD. My first daughter (2015) was 37+ weeks for cholestasis. My second son (2019) was 36+ weeeks for triple-whammy GD, cholestasis, and an umbilical verix... not a fun pregnancy 😆. This baby girl so far has given me ZERO complications and I’m so grateful! Really hoping to experience a more natural labor process this time around and avoid full on medical intervention to get her out (hence, the sweep!).

🕳 Current cervical situation/readiness for labor: at 36 weeks I was 1/2 cm dilated, 60% effaced. 37 weeks I was a full 1cm, still about the same effacement. Haven’t been checked since.

Here’s a look at my statistical likelihood of spontaneous labor today, this week, and (importantly) before Aug 22, at which point I’ll be 41 weeks pregnant. I like the way this stat model is constructed, and you can read about it on their site.

✅ Ok I think that’s it!! Updates to come!