DHS really does nothing for children

Andrea • James Jr, September 5, 2019

I just need to vent about this. So, long story short, I had a falling out with a friend and we stopped speaking. Almost a year later, I get a call from her and just had this feeling that I should answer. So, I did. She said DHS was there and she needed somewhere for her daughter (14 months) to go and I was the only person she could think of that could pass all of their requirements. I said yes, and they brought her to us that day. That was May 31st. They initially responded for DV, her boyfriend had hit her while she was holding her daughter. But when they made contact, she admitted to using meth and opiates. So, she’s supposed to be going to treatment next week. She’s made no changes whatsoever. She decided to move into a hotel about an hour away and continued to be with the abusive boyfriend and using. As well as escorting to make money. She has barely come to visit and when she does show up for visitation, she’s on her phone and just taking pictures the whole time. So, I reached out to our caseworker, who I have spoken to maybe 3 times during this whole ordeal, and she confirmed that they are closing their “investigation” and basically it’s up to me to finish their job.

WHY THE FUCK DID I TURN MY LIFE, HOME AND FAMILY UPSIDE DOWN FOR THEM TO DO NOTHING AND SEND THIS CHILD BACK TO THE SAME SHITTY ENVIRONMENT?!?!?!? I’m so angry right now. And my heart is broken for this child that deserves a chance at normalcy and to be taken care of and loved. She’s blossomed since she’s been here with us. She’s met so many milestones and grown so much by having stability. I hate this. DHS is just letting this child fall through the cracks.