Unstable friendships/relationships

I’ve noticed i tend to have very unstable relationships with people around me, extremely hot and cold on my end. I'm not proud of this, I'm aware that acting this way is confusing and immature, I just never realise until it's too late.

I've noticed this most with friendships.. One minute, I really like a friend and really enjoy spending time with them whenever I get the chance, I make it known that they are my best friend, feel very close with them and always make an effort to meet and talk with them. I also care a lot about the friendship, when they seem

different than usual I tend to panic a lot and want to keep them as a friend. This usually lasts a couple months, until...

After a while, everything that person does begins to

irritate me, even things I liked before. I get 'the ick' for that person, in a way, and all their negative traits stand out when I'm with them, making me feel annoyed by their presence and short tempered. I end up waiting for them to do something wrong and use it as an excuse to distance myself from them, sometimes without giving explanation. When doing this, I tend to

ignore calls or texts, remove them from my social media and resent them.

I try to avoid letting myself do this, but when I distance myself I usually believe it's for the best and that the other person is toxic and irritating, in my head, I'm only doing it because I believe I've finally saw the friends 'true colours', but afterwards I end up regretting this and wanting to rebuild the friendship.

I try my best to avoid doing this now as I've recognised this pattern of behaviour and remind myself of the regret afterwards. I just don't know why I feel like this in the first place.

I don’t like this about myself and am trying to stop!!