Making more progress! 38 weeks and 3 days


At my appointment on Wednesday I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced! I still hadn’t lost any of my mucus plug which bummed me out a little. I decided to go for a walk yesterday and I think I walked about a mile if not a little more. When I got home and relaxed I did start having more pelvic pain/pressure as well as mild cramps. Today when I went to the bathroom and wiped I finally had some of my mucus plug come out! I was so excited! I’m planning to walk everyday in hopes it’ll help my sweet boy come a little early or at least on time! My next appointment isn’t until Thursday next week so I’m hoping I’ve made progress with dilating and effacement by then! Not sure if walking is really helping but I like to think it is lol. I hope all you mommas have a safe and quick delivery SOON💙 or at least on time🥰

Update!! I walked 1.86 miles yesterday AND today!