Miserable Tantrums

I’m really trying not to lose my cool but sometimes the only way I can make my now 2 year old to listen is by yelling. She wants something then changes her mind and gets so worked up, she screams, yells and cries and wants to be held. We do time-out, she hates them. It calms her down, now for a short time, then I sit with her and explain and at times she refuses to listen so I tell her I’ll come back when she’s calmer. I don’t know if this approach will give the notion of abandonment. I try to ignore her at times, she comes right at my face and turns me to face her. If I don’t respond it makes her angrier.

She wants me to pick up her toys or sit where she demands, I refuse and she blows up. It’s been an exhausting week, any tips how to deal with a strong willed toddler?