
Tiff • 👼🏻 6/19 👼🏻4/20 👶🏻 9/1/21

Did anyone test positive for Covid at the time of their birth with no symptoms?

What about your spouse?

Was it required you get tested?

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Hospital policies vary by hospital. There is no way to know what your hospital will do by comparing stories from others. When I gave birth August 2020 they rapid tested any woman presenting to the ER in labor. Inductions and planned c-sections were tested several days prior to being admitted. I was scheduled for an induction and went into natural labor the morning of my induction. They didn’t test me again but they would have if I had gone through the ER. My husband was not tested at any point. I was told if i was positive they would observe my newborn and if they didn’t have symptoms they would keep her from me but if she was symptomatic I could have her with me. I would never have let them separate us but that’s what their expectations were.


Posted at
I think that was one of my biggest fears of testing positive because where I’m from I always heard that if I tested positive I wasn’t able to be with my baby boy but thank god I test negative and my husband didn’t have to get tested . I’m just glad god was by our sides that day


s.v • Aug 11, 2021
No your baby will not be COVID positive because COVID is only transmitted through the respiratory system. This is what I was told by my OB Doctor. I was COVID positive back on October 2020 I did got my two Pfizer vaccines 5/2021 and 6/2021 On 6/2021 I deliver my baby and I was tested positive again.


Tiff • Aug 9, 2021
Just a question because I don’t know. If you were positive wouldn’t your baby be positive too? Since you share blood with your baby? I couldn’t imagine them taking him.


Posted at
I tested positive with no symptoms but I knew I would test positive as my husband tested positive a few days before I went into labor. The baby was tested negative after she was born. I did get a stuffy nose and lost my sense of taste and smell for a few days.


Tiff • Aug 11, 2021
Did they have to quarantine you from her? How does that work


Posted at
I was postive covid on my due date and i had to postpone my csection surgery for a week until i recover. However, i got very mild symptoms


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It was required that I get tested but I did not test positive. My husband did not have to get tested.