Is Something Wrong With Me..?


Yesterday I learned that my aunt (whom I called my mom since she technically stepped in and raised me), took her life that morning.. I was distraught and In disbelief, and just couldn’t fully process everything.. I cried a lot, went to my group therapy and talked about, spent time with my children and boyfriend, and a close family friend. My body forced me to sleep as I’m also currently pregnant, but I woke up 2 hours later at 11 and was up crying and hurting and praying till my boyfriend got off at 2 this morning. He did help lift my spirits and after I dropped my kids to school, he encouraged me to get some sleep with him. When I woke up, I felt present and here, but empty. Of course having my children home while I’m out of work for the next 2 days does put me in a realm of some normality and disconnect from my emotions, but I feel like I’m not grieving right. I know there is no right way to grieve, but I just feel like I’m so detached from reality and I don’t know if it’s me not wanting to accept that she’s really gone…