Bladder/urethra pain, NO UTI!

So this weekend baby totally dropped! He's so much lower than he has been. I woke up Saturday with pain and pressure in my lower abdomen and pain in my bladder/urethra when I urinated. I was 110% sure I had a UTI. Started chugging water and taking the antibiotic I had leftover from a previous uti a few months ago as well as azo. NOTHING worked! So I go to the dr Monday morning and they tell me my urine is completely clear! Say what? Lol Then dr does the physical exam and presses on my abdomen to see where it's sensitive. Well he tells me baby is really low and his head is pushing right on my bladder/urethra, which is causing the pain and pressure. -_- Anyone else have this?? ? I've been checking my urine at work also since I work at a Dr office and it's still clear and I'm getting used to the discomfort now. Dr said it's something I have to deal with til he decides to make his entrance.... With my symptoms and him being so low I think we're looking at 3 weeks max! We'll see!