Worst OB experience ever!!! 😤


Today I went to the OB for the Vaginal ultrasound to see when my egg is ovulating out, and the doctor looked at my OPK notebook with notes and other clear blue smile sticks, he was like “why are you so serious? and why are you here if you don’t have the infertility problems?” I told him that my OPK shows a sign that my ovulation could be 4 days earlier, and I would like to see what’s going on. Consider the pandemic I was only able to google things online and use ovulation-test paper etc at home. He checked my ultrasound and the egg is healthy and is about to ovulate tonight or tmr. Then I asked him if I should have sex tonight, and he just looked at my husband and said “look at this tired poor guy, 3 days of sex must be miserable for him!!” and then looked at me and say “you are too serious!” I was like what the fuck, during the ultrasound he wouldn’t even tell me if it’s the left ovary or the right side, he just said I didn’t need to know. It was humiliating and disrespectful for me infront of my husband. I had a huge fight with my husband after the doc appointment because he was also mocking me just like the doctor. I was so pissed, last week my mother-in-law asked me why was my husband’s belly round and mine is still so flat, of course I was furious and was filled with pressure. that was the worst OB appointment ever!!! And what’s wrong with woman who is serious about pregnancy?