Lump on left boob 22 wks pregnant


This is my second pregnqncy and i'm scarring myself to the point it's making me think even during daily things.

I went doc a while ago BecOz my left boob was sore felt bruised and heavy, my doc sent me to a breast scan coz she felt a little lump on the boob, the ultersound lady said she don't see anything that's unusal apart from cyst lump and tissue build up, she said massage your boob in shower. However my doc still sent me to a specialist & the lady said same things looking at the scan and conclusion from prior scanner but if I like I can get biopsy done if I'm going to stress over it or wait 3 months and go back for 1 more scan. She said stop worrying about your boob and focus on your pregnancy. Also she said I don't feel a visible lump either .

I freaked out at the biopsy I've never had it done before don't know how it goes how long it is all the inbetweens .

The specialist said if it was son thing unusal they would of requested strsight biopsy and wouldn't of giving me this option.

I'm 22 weeks pregnant now and I do have milk when I squeeze this all happened after them discomforts in the boob.

I'm scared has anyone actually not got a biopsy done & chose to wait for a scan ? This was my conclusion that I'll attach in the pic below .