Advice please

Question so my boyfriend and I moved to Indiana from California bc of how expensive it was and we couldn’t afford to have our own place. We moved and we have our own place and stable jobs we are going to make a year of living here . He has 2 daughters with his ex and she doesn’t let him bring his daughters over to our place bc she doesn’t “trust him”. Which is weird bc when she would take trips she would leave the daughters with him for up to 2 weeks when we lived in California. Her excuse was also bc he didn’t pay a lot of child support but he’s ordered to pay 50$ for both daughters but my boyfriend knows that’s not enough so he pays 200$ instead of what child support orders . She still doesn’t let him see his daughters unless he visits to California and only for a couple of hours . He wants to take his daughters to places like Disneyland or six flags and she won’t allow him . And it’s Bc he’s with me . She also won’t let her older daughter text my bf through her IPAD she took it away . He pays 200 every single month . He wants to bring his daughters to visit and it’s hard for us to live in California bc of how expensive it is . Can we file for a court order from Indiana even though she lives in California?