Breastpump advice


Hi, currently pregnant with our 4th baby. I was going to get another breast pump as insurance will cover it. In the past 3 pregnancies, I’ve used medela pump in style 2 babies and spectra s2(pink plug in one) for our 3rd. I thought medela emptied me ok as long as I held it in place, massaged, compressed and usually kept the let down mode cycling. With my spectra I felt like suction wasn’t strong enough and I didn’t get emptied all the way. I’ve messed with different flange sizes(tried 21,24,27). 24 or 27 seemed to work best. Anyways, I’m a nurse in a busy ER. I use my pumps as my lunch/breakfast break). Our associate pump room only holds 2 moms and is on the complete opposite side of the hospital. Often times 7-10 min was spent just going to and from with another 3-5 for setup/cleaning. We are extremely short staffed in comparison and I think the stress of all the hustle greatly affected my ability to let down and ultimately my supply. I’m pretty sure that I want to get either the willow or elvie so I can put them in my bra and pump while I eat in our break room. I’ve read lots about both pumps and watched videos on each separately. I’m strongly leading towards the willow even though it’s more expensive(buying bags/extra charger cord) because the pump has stronger suction, battery lasts slightly longer and if I use bags I could possibly use it while actually working(since I need to be able to move vigorously). I’ve heard the elvie is very gentle and doesn’t offer strong suction, app isn’t very accurate and the pump leaks easily. I do plan on having a standby traditional plug in pump just in case. Can anyone who’s used either of these two pumps offer their opinion or thoughts.