Am I crazy to get pregnant again?


When my husband and I got married, we wanted between 4-6 children. Since then, I have been diagnosed with ICP and SPD (and others including Hyperemesis Gravidarum and GERD) in both my pregnancies and after my 2nd, I was diagnosed with a rectocele prolapse. I feel blessed to have been able to have 2 children so far, but in my heart I want at least 1 more.

So far, to fix all of the damage done to my body by pregnancy and childbirth, I need 3 surgeries, one of them including a hysterectomy. That means that I can't have these surgeries until I'm DONE having children.

I'm 5 months postpartum and am thinking of starting to try again in 3-4 months (so my baby will be 8-9 mo old). It typically takes me 1-3 months to get pregnant.

Am I crazy to want to just have my 3rd really close to my 2nd (even though I know it will cause more damage) so that I can get these surgeries sooner and still have at least 3 children.

Long message, if you made this far THANK YOU!

P.S. I'm definitely consulting with my doctor and husband on this. I've had people tell us to adopt, say we should be done, and others tell me to go for it so I just want opinions and to see how crazy I am.

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