Help... prolonged periods


My husband and I started trying for a baby in October by January we fell pregnant but in February I had a miscarriage I was told by my doctor takes a couple of months for your cycles to regulate and at first they seems like they were getting back to normal but in May I had an extremely long period about 15 days which is completely abnormal for me I called the doctor the doctor said if again it's normal your cycles will get back to normal soon June and July rolled around my periods were 14 and 12 days but we're now in August I still haven't felt pregnant again keep in mind we haven't actually been actively trying but my periods haven't shortened either my cycle has went back down to 28 days but the length of the bleeding hasn't reduced so I went to the doctor again she wants to put me on birth control she says it a regulate everything pretty hesitant on doing so I was wondering if you guys could help me with some natural ways to regulate or if anybody else's experienced something similar let me know what you've done?