Back Pain from picking up toddler!

Lanise • MUA Make Up Artist💄

PLEASE HELP! To all the mom out there i need advice! I’m a nanny carrying for twins and i pick

One up this Morning and when i went to put her down she pushed her legs up in the air like fetal position because she didn’t want me to put her down causing herself to be even more heavy as I was carrying her… the SNAP!! All i felt was a snap around my rib cage and now my back hurts bad. I can get through the rest of the work day ( it’s 1pm here and i get off at 6;30pm) because it’s just a few hours but damn. I had plans to go visit a frien at her house to wash my comforters and spend the night but now all i want to do is go home and take hot epson salt bath and get it the bed. I’m only 23 and the way my back is low

Hurting i feel like i aged double😫 and i have the bathe the twins later so that means more back pain because ending over the tub in your

Knees to bathe a toddler is hard on your back enough, now this! I should make them bathe themselves😂😂(joke). What should i do? I’ve tried stretching it out with those long

Cylinder hard foam things that people workout with and i put it on my back and laid on it to stretch my back to arch it more and i couldn’t even do it from the pain being so bad. So please any suggestions. And please don’t say yoga i already go but i don’t feel like crying in my yoga class in front of people😂😔 PLEASE help i hope i can come back to work in the morning.