Spending birthday alone

Hi! My 23rd birthday is this Saturday, but it looks like I’ll be spending it alone with people being busy and people out of town and with coronavirus and etc.

I recently got a new boyfriend, and our situation is pretty unique because we went out for two months in person then he had to go overseas for two more months and he comes back this Tuesday, about four days after my birthday. He says he’ll celebrate when he gets back, but this year and my 22nd year has been hell with me having a break up and losing my grandma and being kicked out of my apartment, it’s been too much to the point where my mental health really suffered. I almost didn’t think I would make it to 23 which is why this year is really important for me. All I really wanted was my boyfriend and he can’t be here because it’s too expensive, which I understand. I have found myself being negative in the relationship sometimes where I don’t feel like I can be happy or excited or make plans because it blows up in my face which he said isn’t fair to say. I don’t want to be like that anymore. I guess what I’m asking is how do you cope with being alone especially on a birthday and how can I be more positive about it?

I appreciate your advice in advance :) thank you 💙