AITA? I was shushed during labor

Back in Feb 2020 I went into labor at 39 weeks. When it was time to push, I followed instructions from L&D nurses & docs:

I Focused on when to push, pushed against the counter-pressure provided by my OB, and I huffed, puffed, and even grunted/screamed.

I wasn’t constantly screaming, I wasn’t foaming at the mouth, it wasn’t a scene from the exorcist. I was just trying to get a baby out of my body lol

HOW TF EVER - one of the many nurses in the room put her finger up to her lips and 🤫 SHUSHED ME 🤫 during pushing after I left out an exasperated shriek. After the push I said, “excuse me?”

She said in the most gentle-yet-belittling tone: “tsk tsk save that energy for pushing.” 🙄

That was in very poor timing, pretty infuriating, and I did not take her “advice.” I was distracted by her almost the entire time after that. I’m working really hard at something I’ve never done before and Nurse Betty over here has the AUDACITY.

I’m 22 weeks with my second, and despite one or two frustrating nurses I plan to deliver at the same hospital because I ultimately loved it there.

So AITA for planning to request no “shushing” and kicking nurses out if they do because damn???