I'm struggling with faith possible triggers

TW again for those who may need it.

This has to do with homosexuality.

I'm not at all trying to be insensitive or hateful or anything. Honestly, I'm coming from a deep place of uncertainty and looking for clarity as I can. Some things from my upbringing do not make sense and I don't know how to look at them in a "Godly fashion" when I do not understand.

So, I think it is obvious I got the "being gay is a sin" rhetoric as a child.

But recently I read that the original Greek word that was translated to "homosexual"... the original origin of that word was actually lost and people over the years tried to decifer it into different meanings. Original meaning thought to be "soft moraled".

Then I read that the word homosexuality was only added into the Bible in the (I think) 1940's.

I tried talking to my parents about this. I tried asking about how if people in old Salem were burned as witches for religious reasons, and we do not believe in witches, that means the Bible was misinterpreted by man, and a horrible act came about. So how do we know something similar isn't happening with the hatred of homosexuals?

My dad gave me a book. It's a book that goes into detail about all the times God references man and wife, and marriage between the two, their holy union and a lot of other stuff that I am still getting through. The idea appears to be that the "entire Bible" is laying out the foundation of relationships is between man and woman.

I honestly don't know what to think anymore. I feel entirely lost. And I hate asking this question at all. Because I don't hate homosexuals at all, I am just trying to understand why my religion would say they're wrong.. They're some of the nicest people I've met.

Edit: No one seems to actually be providing Godly evidence, only their feelings. One comment that has since been deleted told me to go ask a pastor, as if this thought had not occurred to me. I want a viewpoint from a woman's side though since women pastor's are not a Biblical thing.

Seems like this is something I need to figure out for myself like all of you, since there is no Biblical foundation for it, according to all of you and your feelings.