Envious or genuinely concerned?

I was TTC since summer 2020, had a chemical in January which made me start being more health conscious so me and my best friend joined the gym and started healthy eating, we dont go gym together because we live quite far from each other but we were sending updates/pictures daily of our workouts and meals. I finally conceived in March and I put gym on pause because I was scared of loosing the baby again, she still updated me on how she was getting on with her health journey and I was very supportive (I still am). Since I've been feeling the babies movements from 18 weeks, I've been feeling more confident to work out and joined the gym again at 20 weeks because the babies kicks were so strong and frequent already that I feel confident enough that his okay in there. But since I've joined the gym again my best friend doesn't seem as supportive anymore, I'm 25 weeks now and go gym 5 days a week when my toddler is asleep at night, I do a mix of weight training and cardio but I know my limits and don't push myself too hard. Anytime I send an update she's like "oh that's too much" "you shouldn't be doing that" "I don't want you hurting your baby" "I think you should just rest and do stretches", not only about the gym, for example I had avacado with a splash of lime on toast this morning for breakfast and she replied "you're limiting yourself, you need to eat more", I have a homemade smoothie with lots of fruit and added chia seeds and she's like "I hope that's not all you're having, babies hungry" I send a picture of my salmon pasta and salad and "I think you should order a pizza" , but she knows I eat 3 meals a day and snack alot, I also still take my prenatals, only difference is that I have healthy options, I don't count my calories and eat when I'm hungry, i do have some junk food when I'm craving it but I limit the quantity. So yeah she used to be so supportive of me, but now that I'm pregnant and back into it, all she does is criticise everything I do, I told her my midwife sees nothing wrong with what I'm doing and actually encourages it but she thinks I should be staying in bed and eating everything I can. I can't decide if she's jealous that I'm back into this and doing well or is she actually worried for my baby? 😪