I am wrong for not being attracted to him anymore?

I love my husband dearly. But I haven’t attracted to him for a couple years now. He just doesn’t try anymore. It’s not his body, just the way he presents himself. When he gets home work, he puts on dirty old basketball shorts and a t shirt that doesn’t fit him anymore or walks around in his underwear that are just raggedy and gross. He won’t let me throw them out either. He doesn’t have every good dental hygiene, he forgets to put on deodorant, and just doesn’t groom himself properly. I also keep finding poop stains in his underwear and it grosses me out so much I don’t want to go down on him anymore. I’ve talked to him about it several times, but he says that he “doesn’t feel the need to impress me anymore” since we’re married. And uses the excuse that men have too much hair on their butt to wipe right and it gets stuck in it 🤢. So of course I’m like “uhh use a wipe or shave the shit don’t walk around with poop on your butt” but he says it’s harder than it seems. It drives me nuts. I still try to look good for him, no he doesn’t complain or ever make me feel anything but beautiful when I have no makeup or anything on. But it’s not even about how he dresses, i wouldn’t care if he wore clothes that fit him and were clean and cleaned himself. And yes, he does have clean clothes and he refuses to throw out the stained ones.

I swear, anyone mentions any inconvenience and y’all automatically go to divorce 😂

I said he’s gross, he’s not mean, he’s not abusive, he’s a great dad and provides for us. I’m a sahm also and even if I wanted to leave, I couldn’t just get a divorce and leave. Divorces are so hard, especially with kids involved. I’m not gonna go through all that because he grosses me out lol. I’m looking for a solution to this problem, not throw the whole man away. Plus, I do love him. He’s sweet, he’s funny and treats me very well. I’m still attracted to him as a person and when he does get dressed up(yes, it’s very occasional lol) It’s just hard feeling sexually attracted to him anymore.